Marc Christello Computer Engineer BS
Autonomously Controlled Robot
I have always wanted to make some sort of robot, or something akin to one. My oppourtunity came my second year of college when my friend Finn asked if I wanted to help him with one. I jumped at the oppoutunity and we started cadding, and coming up with ideas.

We started with just coming up with how the drive train would work, what motors and general size of the bot.

We settled on a 16 square inch frame, and decided on using a simple tank drive, where one center wheel is driven by a motor, and 2 smaller wheels on either side of the motor are there for support.

I came up with a very simple CAD design below of how the robot would roughly look.

We used the Motor controller L298N to control both the motors on the robot. For now this is about as far as we have come. I update again when more happens!